Report – at the conference “Local Government Railways – experience and prospects”

During the conference “Local Government Railways – Experience and Prospects” we had the opportunity to have many inspiring conversations with representatives of railroad companies. These meetings allowed us not only to present our solutions, but also to listen to the challenges facing the industry. We talked about the optimization of operational processes, digitization and automation, which help local government railroads to effectively manage freight and infrastructure.

Presentation of RCMS and innovative solutions

As a gold partner of the event, we presented the RCMS system – our state-of-the-art, multi-module tool that supports rail carriers. During the presentation, participants could see examples of how the system works and received a detailed explanation of the processes that RCMS supports. We discussed the key functionalities, how it works and the benefits of implementing our solution in rail passenger companies.

Exchange of experience and development directionsh passenger companies.

Each meeting during the conference was a valuable lesson for us – we learned about the needs and expectations of the market, which will influence the further development of our solutions. The joint exchange of experiences with representatives of local government railroads and technology providers confirmed our conviction that digitization and automation are key directions for the future. We would like to thank you for the inspiring discussions and look forward to further meetings that will contribute to the dynamic development of rail transportation.

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