Implementation of RailSoft Business Solutions System – railroad carrier

Our client is a rail freight carrier with more than 20 years of experience in the rail market. The company additionally rents railcars and provides operating services at rail sidings. The company carries out all transports under its own license, which allows for full control over transport processes. The company works for a large chemical capital group operating in Poland and abroad.

Situation before implementation

Prior to implementing RailSoft, the company faced a number of challenges in managing resources and processes:

  • Impeded flow of information, which limited the efficiency of management of the railroad process.
  • Difficulty in analyzing and processing large amounts of data.
  • Hardly intuitive, excel file-based systems to support freight management.
  • Delays in accessing information on resources held.
  • Lack of a unified system to collect and analyze data on the processes in place.

Implemented solution implemented a comprehensive RailSoft Business Solutions system tailored to the specific needs of the client. The implementation also included training for the implementation teams in key areas of the company’s operations, such as:

  1. Wagons
  2. Traction vehicles
  3. Transportation planning and execution
  4. Yard operation
  5. Workshop

The scope of the implemented RailSoft system included the following modules:

  • Directories of: wagons, traction vehicles, equipment, employees and goods.
  • Documentation management: documents for railcars, traction vehicles, employee documents, and safety-related documentation.
  • HR and training modules: entitlement management, competency management and training module.
  • Vehicle circulation and siding operations management: shunting planning, vehicle circulation and siding management.
  • Transportation planning and execution: planner panel, dispatcher panel and siding dispatcher panel.
  • Support for operations and workshops: modules for managing workshops, inspections, repairs and settlements with PKP Energetyka and PKP PLK.
  • Reporting: vehicle statistics, maintenance cost reports, safety reports, CSO and UTK (in Poland) reports, alert and warning management.

Thanks to the RailSoft mobile app, field workers (drivers, revisers, setters and shunters) have gained access to real-time data, which has greatly improved field operations.

Effects of implementation

The RailSoft Business Solutions system has provided numerous benefits:

  1. Rail logistics and planning support: The system has improved logistics management, freight planning and repair execution, resulting in improved process efficiency.
  2. Improved ergonomics of HR work: Automated reporting of data from operational points across the country has enabled better organization and monitoring of staff work.
  3. Gathering key information: All the information necessary for planners and dispatchers has been integrated in one place, allowing quick access to data and facilitating decision-making.
  4. Strategic access to resources: With RailSoft, the company gained access to information critical to effective planning, which positively impacted service quality and resource optimization.

The implementation of RailSoft Business Solutions has allowed the client to integrate key operational processes and increase the efficiency of resource and personnel management, strengthening the company’s position in the rail transportation market.