Implementation of RailSoft Business Solutions System – lease of locomotives

Our client is the largest locomotive rental company in Central and Eastern Europe, with a fleet of several hundred locomotives. The company specializes in providing modern multi-system locomotives to support international transport and meet high standards of sustainable transportation. For more than 20 years, the company has worked with more than 50 domestic and foreign carriers and leading European rolling stock manufacturers, serving customers in industries such as fuel, energy, chemicals, intermodal and construction.

Situation before implementation

Prior to the implementation of RailSoft, the company faced difficulties related to:

  • Management of traction vehicle lease contracts: Lack of tools to monitor the timing and condition of leased locomotives and assign responsibility for maintenance levels.
  • Managing technical inspections: Each traction vehicle requires regular inspections and maintenance based on kilometers traveled, which includes detailed inspections of the vehicle’s condition, propulsion and equipment.
  • No tools to manage warranty defects
  • Difficult commercial process with monthly settlements for locomotive rentals

Implemented solution – RailSoft

The RailSoft Business Solutions system has been implemented to streamline the management of contracts, leases and maintenance of traction vehicles.

  1. Managing customer contracts

RailSoft supports comprehensive management of locomotive lease and maintenance contracts:

  • Contract structure: The system allows you to define the parameters of each contract, specifying levels of responsibility for vehicle maintenance, including cost sharing between lessor and lessee.
  • View contract status: The system allows you to monitor the current status, term and type of contract (e.g. Lease from, Lease for, Service).
  • ECM service information: the ECM (Entity in Charge of Maintenance) company responsible for ongoing maintenance of traction vehicles is noted in the system.
  • Vehicle identification: Each vehicle is identified with an EVN and assigned to the corresponding contract.
  1. Inspection module

RailSoft’s Inspection module allows you to configure and schedule technical inspections:

  • Definition of maintenance levels: The system allows you to define maintenance levels, including detailed rules that determine the types and frequency of maintenance.
  • Records of inspections: All scheduled reviews are recorded in the system, making it easy to monitor and complete them.
  1. Maintenance module – maintenance management

The maintenance module enables efficient management of the vehicle inspection and shutdown process:

  • List of inspection requests: Assign vehicles to specific inspections or services.
  • Status summary: The system tracks the current status of each vehicle and the stages of shutdown procedures, such as maintenance work, breakdown, inspection, reserve or repair.
  • Shutdown Identification Form: Each vehicle has a separate form to manage the shutdown process in detail, from the reasons for the shutdown to the dates and locations of service actions.
  • Identification of decision makers and deadlines: The system makes it possible to track the people responsible for the maintenance process and monitor the timing of maintenance activities.
  1. Trading module
  • Accounting for locomotive rental services
  • Collection of data necessary for rental : exclusions, warranties, km, time


Effects of implementation

The implementation of RailSoft has brought significant benefits:

  1. Improving lease management: RailSoft enables accurate monitoring of the status and terms of leases, which improves communication and customer relationship management.
  2. More efficient maintenance management: The system allows for efficient planning and execution of technical maintenance, which contributes to maintaining high fleet efficiency.
  3. Optimization of service processes: By identifying decision makers, deadlines, and tracking shutdown statuses, the company can execute service processes faster and more accurately, minimizing downtime.
  4. Full documentation and records of reviews: RailSoft provides tools to monitor all stages of technical reviews, from submission to finalization, increasing transparency and control over the process.

With the implementation of RailSoft Business Solutions, our client has gained a comprehensive fleet management support tool, which has allowed more efficient management of contracts and maintenance, as well as increased availability and efficiency of leased locomotives.